Find the right bike size for you
The choice of the right size can affect the comfort and the performance of your next bike. So, choosing the correct frame size is not always a simple process. With the Bikeroom size calculator, you can estimate the bike size of your next bike in the blink of an eye.
Just input your height and inseam in the configurator and we will recommend the best frame sizes for you.
What is my size?
Find your ideal size by completing a few simple steps.
Measuring tips
- Position yourself barefoot and upright against a wall, ensuring your heels, back, shoulders, and head are touching it. Keep your gaze forward and chin slightly down.
- Gently set a book on top of your head, then align it gently against the wall to ensure it's level with the ground.
- Take the measurement from the base of the book straight down to the floor to determine your height.
Measuring tips
- Dress in cycling bibs, tights, or snug-fitting underwear and stand without shoes, your back against a wall.
- Place a book between your legs, mimicking the position of a bike saddle, and snugly raise it up to your crotch.
- Measure the distance from the top of the book straight down to the floor to find your inner leg length.

The basics
What is the bike size
Our Bikeroom size calculator offers a guideline for choosing bike frame sizes. Keep in mind it's a general tool, as sizes vary across bike brands and models. Sizes are indicated either in alphabetical (XS to XXXL) or numerical systems, depending on the manufacturer, and individual cyclist builds and preferences also play a role in finding the right fit.

Road vs MTB
The measures
Road bike sizes are usually given for the seat tube and top tube lengths (center-center), often the same. If different (e.g., 52×53), the first number is the top tube length, and the second is the seat tube length.
Mountain bike sizes are generally in inches, indicating the seat tube height (center to end). Due to sloping technology causing the top tube to angle towards the seat tube, it's hard to measure the top tube traditionally. Manufacturers, however, provide the 'virtual top tube' length.

Measure your inseam
How to choose the right bike size
As we have seen, there are several ways to determine the size of the bike, the safest being based on the height of the inseam. Our bike size calculator determines bike frame sizes based on your inseam measurement.
To find out your recommended bike size, you first need to measure your inseam - that is your inside leg measurement. Simply speaking, the inseam length is the distance from the floor to your crotch.
How to properly measure your inseam

Take a measuring tape and a small, rigid support, for example a hardcover book.

Barefoot, place your back and heels close to the wall, your feet should be 15-20 cm (6-8") apart.

Place a large, hardcover book between your legs - it will simulate the saddle.

Get a second person to measure from the top-of-the book to the floor (cm) this is your inseam length.

Between sizes
Find your optimal fit
The bike size calculator considers more than just the cyclist's height for a more accurate fit, as leg length varies. If between two sizes, choose based on wingspan: larger size for a wingspan greater than height, smaller size otherwise. For usage, pick a smaller size for racing, larger for comfort. While our calculator gives a general fit, a biomechanical analysis is recommended for an exact match.
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